Willkommen beim Project K!

13th Korean Film Festival Frankfurt

Wir freuen uns, Euch zwischen dem 23. und 27. Oktober 2024 an unseren Festivalschauplätzen im CineStar Metropolis, den Arthouse Kinos Cinéma und Eldorado sowie dem DFF (Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum) zum 13. Korean Film Festival Frankfurt mit dem Festival-Thema „Generationen” begrüßen zu dürfen. In diesem Jahr zeigen wir Euch 31 Kurz- und Langspielfilme in den Kategorien Indie Film, Blockbuster, Animation und Projekt K Selection. Zudem freuen wir uns, dass auch in diesem Jahr wieder fünf Animationsfilme der Korean Independent Animation Filmmakers Association (KIAFA) Teil des Programms sind. 

Neben den zahlreichen Filmvorstellungen erwartet Euch auch in diesem Jahr wieder ein vielfältiges Kulturprogramm, mit zahlreichen Möglichkeiten in die koreanische Kultur einzutauchen. So warten auf Euch unter anderem eine Taekwondo- und Tanzvorstellung, ein Live-Podcast, ein Hanbok Stand mit Fotobox, ein Kimbap-Kochworkshop, und ein Filmquiz, bei dem Ihr Euer Wissen über den koreanischen Film auf die Probe stellen könnt. 


Zeitplan 2024


Vorverkauf zum 13th Korean Film Festival Frankfurt startet am 14.10.2024 um 14 Uhr.

Filmvorstellung: 13 €
Filmvorstellung ermäßigt für Schüler*innen und Studierende: 11 €

Sondertickets für den Film Beyond Utopia findet man hier beim DFF.

Abendkasse nur in Eldorado!

Festivalfokus: Generation

Oft steht der Begriff der „Generationen“ für uns gleichbedeutend für Weltbilder und Erfahrungen, in die wir uns nur schwer hineinversetzen können, sowie Meinungen, die nicht einfach nachzuvollziehen sind. Doch gerade, wenn die Differenzen groß oder sogar unüberbrückbar scheinen, können Filme ein Medium sein, das uns ermöglicht, einen Einblick in uns bisher verborgene Perspektiven zu erhalten, Verständnis fördert, zu Gesprächen anregt und uns ermutigt aufeinander zuzugehen. Ganz im Zeichen des Mottos „Generationen“ zeigen wir Euch in diesem Jahr aktuelle koreanische Filme, die diesen thematischen Fokus in unterschiedlichster Weise aufgreifen und filmisch umsetzen. Dem Facettenreichtum des koreanischen Films entsprechend erzählen sie ihre Geschichten in einer Bandbreite vom Dokumentarfilm bis hin zum aufwändig inszenierten Horrorfilm. Hierbei richten sie ihren Blick mal auf die Sorgen, Ängste und Hoffnungen einer bestimmten Generation. Andere Male auf die Konflikte zwischen verschiedenen Generationen, die Missverständnisse und Herausforderungen, aber auch auf die besonderen Beziehungen, die daraus entstehen können. 



Passend zu unserem Thema „Generationen” zeichnen sich unsere Gäste als Nachwuchsregisseur*innen aus und präsentieren während des Festivals ihre Debütfilme. Freut Euch auf die Regisseur*innen SEO Ah-hyun (서아현) (Queer My Friends), SOHN Hyun-lok (손현록) (That Summer’s Lie) und JANG Jun-young (장준영) (Wintering)! Alle drei könnt ihr zur Podiumsdiskussion am 26.10.2024 ab 17:30 Uhr in der jugend-kultur-kirche sankt peter kennenlernen oder besucht die Filmvorführung der jeweiligen Filme und seid Teil der anschließenden Gesprächen mit den Regisseur*innen.


Folgt uns auf Instagram und melden euch unten auf der Seite für unseren Newsletter an, um keine Neuigkeiten oder Updates zu verpassen.

Wir freuen uns, zum ersten Mal einen Wettbewerb für junge und ambitionierte koreanische Filmemacher*innen zu veranstalten. Unser Ziel ist es, talentierte Filmschaffende zu fördern und ihnen eine internationale Plattform zu bieten. Der/Die Gewinner*in wird mit dem KFFF - Newcomer Award ausgezeichnet. Außerdem wird der Film vor unserem Abschlussfilm am Sonntag gezeigt. Das heißt, vor der Vorstellung von „Wintering“ heute, am 27. Oktober um 22:15 Uhr können Zuschauer*innen ebenfalls der Verleihung unseres Filmpreises beiwohnen und den Gewinnerfilm ansehen! Das Ticket für „Wintering“ berechtigt zum Eintritt für beide Veranstaltungen.
Aus zahlreichen Einreichungen konnten sich drei Kurzfilme für den Preis in diesem Jahr qualifizieren. Der Gewinnerfilm wird von einer externen sowie der Project K Filmjury  ausgewählt und mit dem KFFF - Newcomer Award prämiert.

We are delighted to organize a competition for young and ambitious korean filmmakers for the first time. Our aim is to promote talented filmmakers and offer them an international platform. The winner will be honored with the KFFF - Newcomer Award. The film will be screened on Sunday before our closing film. This means that before the screening of “Wintering” today on October 27th at 22:15, viewers can also attend the presentation of our film award and watch the winning film! The ticket for „Wintering“ entitles the holder to admission to both events.
Out of numerous submissions three short films qualified for this year’s award. The winning film will be selected by an external and the Project K film jury and is awarded with the KFFF - Newcomer Award.

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Am Korea Culture Day erwartet Euch ein spannendes Bühnenprogramm, was unter anderem ein Panel und eine Podiumsdiskussion beinhaltet. Von 15:00-16:00 Uhr findet eine Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema „Generationen“ statt. Von 17:30-18:30 Uhr geben Euch unsere Nachwuchsfilmschaffenden exklusive Einblicke in ihre Arbeit. Wir freuen uns sehr darauf, unsere Gäste am Samstag begrüßen  zu dürfen und sind gespannt auf interessante Diskussionen und Eindrücke! 

An exciting stage program awaits you on Korea Culture Day, including panel discussions. From 3-4 PM there will be a panel discussion on the topic of „Generations“. From 5.30-6.30 PM, up-and-coming filmmakers will give you exclusive insights into their work. We are very excited to welcome our guests on Saturday and are looking forward to interesting discussions and impressions! 

#Korea #Koreanmovies #ProjectK #ProjectKffm #Koreanischesfilmfestival #filmfestivalfrankfurt #film #한국영화제 #독일 #프랑크푸르트 #13KFFF
Wie bereits in den letzten Jahren werden auch beim 13th Korean Film Festival Frankfurt vor ausgewählten Langfilmen wieder koreanische Kurzfilme zu sehen sein. Bei den Kurzfilmen handelt es sich um unabhängige Produktionen, hinter denen meist nur kleine Teams stecken. Genau wie im Hauptprogramm steht auch bei den Kurzfilmen unser diesjähriges Motto „Generationen“ im Vordergrund.

As in previous years, there will once again be Korean animated short films screened before selected feature-length films at the 13th Korean Film Festival Frankfurt. The short films are independent productions, usually made by small teams. Just like in the feature program, the short films also focus on this year’s theme “Generations”.

#ProjectK #ProjectKffm #Koreanfilmfestival #filmfestivalfrankfurt #한국영화제 #독일 #프랑크푸르트 #generations #13KFFF
Meet the third part of our Management Team!

Jana became a member of Project K in 2020 and became a part of the management team in 2024, where she is responsible for team coordination and the ticketing system. Her favorite film is “Oldboy” by PARK Chan-wook, since it was the first Korean film she watched. She prefers K-Drama over K-Film and loves a good thriller! She also likes OV with subtitles more than synchronization, because it allows her to practice her Korean skills. 

Julia joined Project K in 2021, first as a regular member of the Social Media team before becoming part of the management in 2023. In 2024, she joined the board of directors as a deputy chairwoman. Her favorite film is “It’s Ok” by KIM Hye-young, which touched her deeply. Her favorite moment with Project K so far has been the visit of Teo Yoo last year, which was a really nice experience for the whole team. She also prefers OV with subtitles over synchronization, since she feels like too much of the emotions go missing in the dubbing process. The last day of the festival is her favourite part, since the nerves and the tension have worn off by that time and the team starts to realize, what we all achieved together!

Martha joined Project K in 2022, first as a regular member of the Social Media team before joining the management of the Marketing and Cultural Program team last year. Since 2024, she is responsible for the management of the Social Media team. One of her favorite Korean films is “Burning” by LEE Chang-dong for its unique cinematography and atmosphere. She cannot pick a favorite moment of working for Project K and the festival, because working together with the other team members creates so many beautiful and funny moments! Martha does not usually watch film trailers beforehand as she likes a surprise. She also prefers OV with subtitles over synchronization, because she feels that the subtleties of the acting performance are sometimes lost in synchronization.

#projectkffm #ffmculture #frankfurt #frankfurtliebe #koreanfilmfestivalfrankfurt #filmfestival#filmliebe#cinema#teamtuesday #한국영화제 #독일 #프랑크푸르트
Meet the second part of our Management Team!

Chiara joined Project K in 2021 and took over the management of the Marketing and Cultural Program team in 2023. Her favourite film is “Lady Vengeance” by PARK Chan-wook. She prefers OV with subtitles over synchronization, because she is convinced that many emotions go missing in the dubbing, making the film experience completely different. Chiara prefers the last day of the festival, when everybody comes together and realizes, what the team has achieved!

Daniel became a member of Project K in 2019 and joined the management team in 2022. Although he was reluctant to join Project K at first, he ended up becoming chairman of the board last year! His favourite film is “Memories of Murder” by BONG Joon-ho which he would recommend to anyone. He also prefers OV with subtitles over synchronization. He would also suggesting visiting both the opening night of the Korean Film Festival Frankfurt as well as the last day of the festival, since both days are unique in their own ways! 

Dong-hee is manager of the Artist Support team since 2023 and joined the board of directors as a deputy chairwoman this year! “The Way Home” by LEE Jeong-hyang is her favorite film. She prefers to watch the end credits and would describe Korean cinema as emotional, original and humorous. She thinks everybody should visit the Korean Film Festival Frankfurt, since it’s one of a kind and offers a unique perspective on Korean culture. 

Fiona joined Project K in 2022 and took over the management of the Film and Screenings team in 2023! Her favorite film is “Burning” by LEE Chang-dong. She especially likes the how the film blends different elements and genres together. Fiona has a bachelor’s degree in theater, film and media studies with a minor in Korean studies and is now studying screenwriting at the University of Television and Film in Munich. She would rather go to the cinema instead of streaming at home and, as a hopeless romantic herself, slightly prefers romance over thrillers.

#projectkffm #ffmculture #frankfurt #frankfurtliebe #koreanfilmfestivalfrankfurt #filmfestival#filmliebe#cinema#teamtuesday #한국영화제 #독일 #프랑크푸르트
Meet the first part of our Management Team!

Anna Charlotte became a member of Project K in 2023 and took over the management of the Public Relations team this year! She loves the film “Riceboy Sleeps” by Anthony Shim, since she saw herself and her family reflected in many of the characters and their experiences. The opening day of the Korean Film Festival Frankfurt is her favourite! Since all members of Project K are volunteers, she truly appreciates the work, energy and joy every member puts into the organization of the festival.

Anna-Maria joined Project K in 2022 as a member of the Social Media and the Cultural Program teams. Since this year, she is responsible for managing the Marketing and Cultural Program team. “Burning” by LEE Chang-dong is her favorite film as it’s a multi-layered thriller that stayed in her head for days. Although it is a difficult decision, she would choose streaming over a visit to the cinema, since she really enjoys her alone time. 

Berna joined Project K in 2021, last year she was responsible for managing the Editorial team and the Film and Screenings team. This year, she manages the Editorial team and stayed in the Film and Screenings team as a regular member. Her favourite film is “Parasite” by BONG Joon-ho. She always notices something new every time she watches the film. Her biggest highlight so far was Teo Yoo’s visit to our festival last year. She prefers OV with subtitles over synchronization, as she loves to fully experience the emotions of the actors.

Buket is a member of Project K since 2015! Since then she lead various groups and was also part of the board of directors, now she is responsible for the Film and Screenings team. Her favourite film is “Oldboy” by PARK Chan-wook. To her, Korean films are unique, inspiring and unfiltered. Her favorite moment with Project K was the 10-year anniversary and she thinks that everybody should come visit the festival, because we try our hardest to bring Korean culture to Frankfurt. 

#projectkffm #ffmculture #frankfurt #frankfurtliebe #koreanfilmfestivalfrankfurt #filmfestival#filmliebe#cinema#teamtuesday #한국영화제 #독일 #프랑크푸르트

Interviews über Project K

Highlights 12th Korean Film Festival