Animated films are a part of this year’s 10th Korean Film Festival Frankfurt. In cooperation with KIAFA (Korea Independent Animation Filmmakers Association), we will present you five animated films in our offline and online program, which focus on the topic of identity. KIAFA is a film association founded by Korean animation filmmakers that represents Korean independent animated films and their artists in many ways. Among other activities, their projects include the organization of the Indie-AniFest in Seoul as well as the distribution of animated films through AniSEED, a company specially established for that purpose.
The Cooperation of KIAFA with Project K for the 10th Korean Film Festival Frankfurt 2021 is supported by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and KOCCA (Korea Creative Content Agency). We are happy to present to you our top five animated films on the topic of identity: With Cocoon YEO Eun-a tells the story of people who are trapped within the boundaries of their families. In Moth JUNG Yeon-joo tells the story of a stressed mother who is held back by her life, until one day she wakes up as a moth and can finally live her dream. The Cafe from KIM A-young brings us closer to the life of a young woman working in a trash factory who dreams of having a cup of tea with her hard-earned money. In Run Run Run Away LEE Seon-jun tells the story of a boy who detests his past and therefore burns down his house to find a new life for himself. KIM Wang-geol presents the realities of the difficult real estate market in South Korea and how it affects people in The House. In Another, PARK Yeon tells the story of twins, one of them is alive and the other one is a ghost who envies his brother’s life.