3rd Korean Film Festival Frankfurt

The 3rd Korean Film festival took place from 23rd to 26th October 2014 where multiple up-to-date, bestselling movies were shown at the Cinestar Metropolis. The movies in this year’s festival were divided into different categories to provide a first orientation for the audience.
Must See: includes up-to-date Korean Blockbuster movies
Insight Korea: revolves around the historic dynasty of Joseon (1392-1910)
Diverse View: includes a variety of themes such as human rights, independence and animation movies
As one can see in the categorization of the movies, a vast variety of genres of the Korean film industry was presented in addition to bringing Korean culture closer to the audience. The 3rd Film festival started off with current blockbuster movie “The Admiral”. Alongside with that, movies such as “The Attorney” and “A Girl at my Door” were shown. Blockbusters such as the ones mentioned were also awarded at the 67th International Filmfestspiele, being celebrated both nationally and internationally.
The lineup consisted of a wide range of Korean movies since more than 19 movies of different genres were shown. Beside of that visitors were introduced to Korean culture and given the chance to experience parts of it first-hand. In the main lobby of the Cinestar Metropolis people were given the opportunity to try on Hanboks alongside with experiencing traditional Korean tea ceremonies and exhibitions of traditional calligraphically arts. In addition, a variety of traditional Korean games were offered through which visitors were able to relive the nostalgic traditions of playing games in times of a modern, virtually driven world.
This year the well-known K-Pop Contest, where dancers from all over the country get to perform, yet again proved its popularity. Afterwards, both dancers and viewers were invited to enjoy and dance to Korean music during a party. The K-pop dance contest took place for the first time in 2009 in cooperation with “re[markable]”, an organization which has been promoting Korean pop culture throughout Germany in addition to publishing monthly “Germany’s K-pop Charts”.
The festival was concluded with the chance for visitors to win a flight ticket to Korea which was sponsored by Asiana Airlines.
Film List
The Admiral: Roaring Currents | 명량 (2014) |
Hide and Seek – Kein Entkommen | 숨바꼭질 (2013) |
A Girl at My Door | 도희야 (2014) |
Seoul Independent Film서울독립영화 (2013) | Names 이름들 Mirae 밝은 미래 A Room of One’s Own 자기만의 방 |
Pluto | 명왕성 (2013) |
Snowpiercer | 설국열차 (2013) |
The Attorney | 변호인 (2013) |
Korea Independent Animation 한국독립애니메션 (2013) | Replacement 아프지 않아 Across the Wind 바람을 가르는 Pest Man on the Chair 의자 위의 남자 Love Games 연애놀이 |
The Target | 표적 (2014) |
Silent Assassin | 동창생 (2013) |
Montage | 몽타주 (2013) |
Cold Eyes | 감시자들 (2013) |
Pororo – The Racing Adventure | 뽀로로 슈퍼썰매 대모험 (2012) |
The Face Reader | 관상 (2013) |
Golden Chariot in the Sky | 하늘의 황금마차 (2014) |
The Suspect | 용의자 (2013) |
Miss Granny | 수상한 그녀 (2014) |
Kundo – Pakt der Gesetztlosen | 군도 (2014) |
Generalkonsulat der Republik Korea in Frankfurt, Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Korea Foundation, Korea Agro-Fisheries Trade Corp, Korea Foundation for International Culture Exchange, re[mark]able, Korean German Network e.V.
AGB Frankfurt Holding GmbH, Saalbau GmbH, Red Carpet Event GmbH, CineStar Metropolis, Kumho Tire Europe GmbH, Samsung Electronics GmbH, Koreanische Zentrale für Tourismus, Hyundai Motor Europe GmbH, Hankook Tire Europe GmbH, Asiana Airlines, Frankfurt RheinMain GmbH, WM Entertainment